December 11, 2022

Blogpost: The Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste

Greetings! We recently returned from a very short (day) trip to East Timor, also known as Timor-Leste (country #87), where we were able to get a snapshot of life in Dili, the capital. Unlike most of our other trips, we did not have an official tour or tour guide. Therefore, while the photos are all taken by me, the information was gathered by our own knowledge of the history of the region, as well as from some reputable websites*. East Timor from the air – it is separated from Australia (to the south) by the Timor Sea The known history of East Timor dates back to the 1600s, with the…

December 11, 2022

Bonus Post: Oceania

Greetings! We recently returned from a trip to Australia and New Zealand. Because these are countries that I have already visited, this post will be a bit different, as it will combine sites and information from and about both countries. The featured image is the Māori (“mah-oh ree”) flag, representing the native inhabitants of Australia and New Zealand. The Commonwealth of Australia Sydney In 1788, Sydney began as a penal colony for convicts from England. They had originally been sent to the USA, but were refused entry after the US gained independence. After the convicts served time, they were allowed to remain in Australia as free citizens. Approximately 25% of…